as through
a slanted doorway, canted
to the left, leaning windward; I
spit your bitter fluoride flavor
as foam into the sink.
My glasses form
small refracted lenses
in the sputtering drool of rain;
they shine like liquid polish
in prismatic, bleeding light,
dissolving orange and
webbed with purple bruise.
Gravity bends with the weight of wet air.
It illustrates the steep parabola, the
wind-muddled obtuse curvature of rain's
brief suspension in air.
We missiles, we of inevitable trajectory, bound
like the year-soaked metal shell
of insensate armaments
to pitted landscapes of low-altitude, we
meet at lines of perpendicular descent,
you and I.
I pluck the torn
of sound and light
from your pyrite halo
of hair.
Steam streams from you
like divinity stealing
into the vaporous shine
of a street-light.
I blow through you
as shrapnel, as black bits
and bone splinters and
debris dusted red,
right through,
the space between your motes,
amongst gently resting borders,
in the wavering punumbra
where your gravity
warps fissures, hollows
a constellation of tiny no-wheres.
Time slopes, spirals, gains momentum,
and funnels us, like my spit down the drain,
to temporal sea-level, the last transitional plane
beneath the mud's gooey suck,
and less-soft layers of earth.
My new leather shoes
split and swell
prematurely well-worn
by water. They match
the mud's matte-brown hue.
My heels dig shallow divots
as I wade through.
We enter into a dive, like a contract,
a blood-pact, even as our blood
blooms its sanguine cloud behind our fall
as a jet-stream in sunset, and
we scream with the suicidal coupling of eagles
into horizon's final flare.
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